Instruction For Authors

Instruction For Authors


Aims, scope and review policy

GeroFam aims to scientific articles and publications of
relevance to primary health care and family medicine from public sector and
private practice with a focus in gerontological sciences. Papers are peer
reviewed to ensure that the contents are understandable, valid, important and
interesting. All manuscripts must be submitted per journal management system (

Article sections and length

Original research (2000 to 3000 words)
Scientific Letters (800 words)
Review Articles (4000 words)
Correspondence (500 words)
Book reviews (500 to 1000 words)
Case studies (500 to 1000 words)
Conference reports, proceedings and abstracts (1000 words)
Educational material (3500 words)
Other publications should be discussed with the editor beforehand


Title page: All articles must have a title page with the following information and in this particular order:
Title of the article (English and Turkish);
Name, surname, qualifications and affiliation of each author;

The name, postal address, e-mail address, postal address and telephonic contact details of the corresponding author.

Abstract: All original and review articles should include a Turkish abstract of around 200 words and an English abstract of 400 words. International authors will receive assistance concerning the Turkish abstract. The structured abstract for an
Original Research article should consist of five paragraphs labelled Background, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Abstracts for other types of articles need not follow the structured abstract format.
Structure of article: Original research articles should be organised according to the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References.

All articles should include keywords. Five words or short phrases should be used. Use terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus when available and appropriate. Keywords are used to index the article and may be published with the abstract.
Acknowledgements: In a separate section, acknowledge any financial support received. This section may also be used to acknowledge substantial contributions to the research or preparation of the manuscript made by persons other than the authors. A written permission is requested from the persons mentioned in this section.

References: Cite references in numerical order in the text, in bracket format. In the References section, references must
be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited, not alphabetically.

The style for references should follow the format set forth in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Abbreviations for journal titles should follow Index Medicus format. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all
references. Personal communications and unpublished data should be avoided. If essential, such material should be incorporated into the appropriate place in the text.

Tables: Tables should be self-explanatory, clearly organised and supplemental to the text of the manuscript. Each table should include a clear descriptive title on top and should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc) in order of its appearance as called out in text. Tables must be inserted in the correct position in the text.

Figures: All figures must be inserted in the appropriate position of the electronic document. Symbols, lettering and numbering (in Arabic numerals e.g. 1, 2, etc. in order of appearance in the text) should be placed below the figure, clear and large enough to remain legible after the figure has been reduced. Figures must have clear descriptive titles.

Photographs and images: If photographs of patients are used, the human subject should not be identifiable and use of the picture should be authorised by an enclosed written permission from the subject. The position of photographs and images should be clearly indicated in the text. Electronic images should be saved as either .jpeg or .gif files. All photographs should be scanned at a high resolution (300dpi, print optimised). Please number the images appropriately.

Permission: Permission should be obtained from the author and publisher for the use of quotes, illustrations, tables, and other materials taken from previously published works, which are not in the public domain. The author is responsible for the payment of any copyright fee(s) if these have not been waived. Letters of permission should accompany the manuscript. The
original source(s) should be mentioned in the figure legend or as a footnote to a table.

Ethical considerations: Papers based on original research must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki on "Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects" and must specify from which recognised ethics committee approval for the research was obtained. Case studies must have the consent of the patient(s) or waiver of consent approved by an ethics committee.

Conflict of interest: Authors must declare all financial contributions to their work or other forms of conflict of interest which may potentially prevent them from executing and publishing unbiased research.

The following declaration may be used if appropriate:

"I declare that I have no financial or personal relationship(s) which may have inappropriately influenced me in writing this paper."


Submissions and correspondenceAll submissions must be made and correspondence regarding manuscripts should be load up by the electronic submission e-mail (  


Note: Please ensure that the article ID [reference] number is included in the subject of your email correspondence.

Submissions must be accompanied by a signed copy of the copyright form.  Please send copyright form by fax 0090 242 249 68 61.

Copyright Notice

Copyright on published articles is retained by GeroFam. The exclusive responsibility in respect of the acknowledgment of author's rights and/or copyright rests with the responsible author(s). The Editor and reviewers of this journal cannot accept responsibility for the infringement of authors’ rights or copyright. The author grants the publisher unlimited rights to publish the work in any format and/or medium, whether for gain or any other purpose.









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